A2 Desi Gir Cow Ghee (1000ml)

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A2 Desi Gir Cow Ghee (1000ml)
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Special Price ₹2,160.00 Regular Price ₹2,700.00
Cow ghee is a good source of vitamins A, D, E, and K, which are necessary for normal cellular function and growth in humans.
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Desi ghee is made by using bilona method as mentioned in Ayurveda. Under this elaborate process, milk is boiled and cooled. It is then added with half a spoon of curd and kept overnight under room temperature to form into curd.

The curd is then churned into buttermilk and butter that floats on the pot is collected into a thick bottomed vessel. It is then boiled on low flame and the water gets evaporated, leaving aromatic ghee behind. In a few families, it is a practice to add betel nut leaf  to the boiling butter to confer it some more intense flavour.

Desi Ghee in Ayurveda:

Ayurveda defines ghee as the by-product of butter without any impurities. According to ancient Ayurvedic text, Sushruta Samhita desi ghee effectively deals with various anomalies caused due to pitta dosha such as inflammation. It is in fact also serves as a rasayana which means it can heal both body and mind at the same time.

Another famous Ayurvedic scripture Charaka explains that ghee is hugely recommended for those bodily constitutions often dominated by vata and pitta doshas. It is prescribed for good eyesight, longevity, to build immunity, strength, ojas, smooth skin with a radiant complexion, memory, intelligence, ignite digestion, utmost functioning of all sensory organs, as a balm to heal burn injuries and can be taken by the old, children and the weak alike.

Why Is Desi Ghee Healthy?

Desi ghee is composed of fats of which 62% is saturated fats which play a prominent role in increasing HDL or good cholesterol, reduce LDL or bad cholesterol without harming the lipid profile. Ghee is also a rich source of Omega 3 and Omega 6 and is loaded with essential amino acids.  Ghee is nourishing and healing. Some consume it for weight reduction; others for weight gain and heart-related issues. So, accepting ghee as a part of your daily diet can be advantageous for your well-being. 

Benefits of Cow Ghee

  • Provides Nutrients - Cow Ghee is a good source of vitamins A, D, E, and K, which are necessary for normal cellular function and growth in humans. .A2 cow ghee improves the absorption of minerals and fatty acids in the body.

  • Helps to reduce stress, anxiety, risk of cancer, diabetes, and boosts immunity

  • Cow ghee is known as amritam in Ayurveda, and is packed with A2 content, which is very useful in treating cholesterol issues

  • Helps to increase appetite and promotes flexibility. Controls Acidity and improves digestion, Enhances eyesight. It is also anti-inflammatory in nature

  • Ghee provides necessary fatty acids that cause hydration in skin cells, resulting in skin moisturization. 

  • In facial paralysis, cow’s ghee is introduced in nostrils through nasya therapy in panchakarma.  It increases ojas and sattvic guna in the body. 

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A2 Desi Gir Cow Ghee (1000ml)

Special Price ₹2,160.00 Regular Price ₹2,700.00